Our Vision
To create “safe” places and programs for children, youth, women and families focused on creating new beginnings to Dream…Again! By “Using What They Got” to develop their gifts and talents to create pathways and strategies of success to deploy. This time on purpose!

Our Mission
The Mustard Seed Entreprises is a remarkable place where possibilities abound and generosity knows no bounds. We are dedicated to supporting and championing the wellbeing of children, youth, and families impacted by sexual abuse, physical abuse, domestic violence, foster care, the judicial system, homelessness, and poverty in underserved communities. Our mission is fueled by love and a commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.
Our Commitment

Sew-N-Sow with Ms. Marie
A skill and trade training program focused on teaching the youth in local communities the skill of sewing as a way to encourage skill development and teaching the value of sustainability through fashion, garments, and home furnishing that can be dispersed into their communities.